Credit card, Visa, Mastercard, Eurocard, American Express
Payment by credit card is 100% secure and Kosame does not store your credit card information.
To better protect our customers during online payments, you may be asked to validate with 3D Secure during payment. You must then enter a password or a security code obtained by e-mail or by phone to validate your payment.
Payment by :
If you choose the Paypal payment method when ordering, you will be redirected to your Paypal account. You just have to identify yourself (or to create your account) and to validate your payment.
Payment by :
Bank transfer
You can choose to pay your order by bank transfer. Our bank details will be communicated to you after placing your order on the site. You then have 7 days to make the transfer before your order is automatically cancelled.
The validation of your order is done at the reception of the transfer and can thus have a light impact on the announced delivery time.